A facelift is one of the most desirable and sought-after types of cosmetic surgery thanks to its ability to reverse many of the effects of aging and enable patients to enjoy a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. The aim of a facelift is to lift the entire face, from the jaw right up to the forehead. This is achieved by separating the skin from the underlying muscles and tissues and pulling it back and up to remove sagging, smooth lines and wrinkles and create greater definition around the chin and cheekbones. This creates a more youthful appearance. Exactly when someone chooses to undergo a facelift procedure, however, can vary significantly.
Studies have found that 47 is the most popular age for facelift surgery, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s too late, or indeed too soon for people of other ages to benefit from this effective anti-aging cosmetic surgery.
What is the right age for a facelift?
The decision to undergo facelift surgery is an intensely personal one, and so there really is no right or wrong answer when it comes to what is considered the ‘right’ or ‘best’ age for the procedure. It’s also to remember that every patient is completely different, and while two people may be the same age, they may not necessarily appear so. For example, a sun worshipper who smokes is more likely to have experienced the effects of the aging process more quickly than someone who is a non-smoker and who wears plenty of sunblocks and sits in the shade. Whatever your age and whatever your life experiences, a facelift can help you to turn back the clock and rediscover a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. Better still, the effects of a facelift can last as long as a decade, helping you to enjoy your new appearance for years to come.
Facelift in your 30s
It’s pretty unusual for someone to have a facelift in their 30s, with most patients being recommended to try a number of other, non or minimally invasive treatments such as dermal fillers, Botox, micro-needling, and microdermabrasion. All of these can help to reverse the initial signs of aging and help you to maintain a youthful appearance.
Facelift in your 40s
Many people who are open to the idea of cosmetic surgery to retain their looks start to think about procedures in their 40s. Studies have found that patients who opt for a facelift in their 40s typically achieve better and longer-lasting results than those who wait until their 50s or beyond. However, patients should be aware that they may still want a secondary facelift when they reach their senior years.
Facelift in your 50s
Many patients choose their early 50s to undergo a facelift procedure, and at this time, the treatment can still yield exceptional results. You may also decide to combine your facelift with a neck treatment, as it tends to be about this time that patients first start to notice sagging skin around the neck area, particularly if they are carrying excess weight or have lost weight in recent years. If you have previously had a facelift in your 40s, you may be considering a secondary procedure by the time you reach your late 50s, if you feel that the natural aging process has decreased the effects of your initial facelift surgery.
Facelift in your 60s and beyond
While there’s no upper age limit to undergoing a facelift, it is fairly uncommon for women to seek their first surgery of this type in their 60s. This age is more common for initial facelifts in male candidates. Again, facelift surgery produces the best results when combined with a neck lift, which helps to create greater definition and an overall more aesthetically-pleasing result.
If you are considering a facelift and would like more information about this surgery, or to schedule a consultation to discuss your candidacy for this transformative cosmetic surgery, don’t hesitate to speak to our discreet and friendly team.