woman with facial treatment

Whilst blemishes are perfectly normal, there are many different types of skin imperfection that can cause us to feel anxious or embarrassed about our appearance. It may be possible to hide some using cosmetics, but if you don’t want to use products to cover them, there are alternative solutions. One of the options available to you is Lumecca IPL.


What is Lumecca IPL?

Lumecca IPL is an intense pulsed light treatment that is used to target pigmented skin and vascular lesions. Lumecca uses specific wavelengths of light energy that is delivered directly into the skin. Any areas of red and brown pigment in the skin absorb the light energy, which heats them and then destroys them without causing any damage to the surrounding tissue. You shouldn’t feel any pain, although you may experience some warmth and prickling of the skin. This normally fades within the hour.


Another benefit of Lumecca is that the light energy prompts the skin to produce more collagen, a naturally-occuring substance that helps skin to stay plump, smooth and young in appearance. This additional collagen will fill surrounding excess pores to help the skin appear smoother and rejuvenated.


There is no downtime necessary following Lumecca treatment, but you will be recommended to avoid direct sunlight onto your skin for at least 7-10 days following treatment.


How many sessions of Lumecca will I need?

You may notice an improvement in the affected area after a single treatment, but in most cases, patients are recommended to have a course of three sessions to achieve the best results.


What issues can Lumecca be used to treat?

Lumecca IPL can be successfully used to treat a variety of skin issues, including but not limited to:

-         Age spots

-         Rosacea

-         Freckles

-         Sun damage

-         Vascular lesions such as spider veins


Your cosmetic specialist will be able to advise you if you are a good candidate for this effective pigmentation removal treatment.


Which areas of the body can be treated with Lumecca IPL?

The good news is that Lumecca IPL can be safely and successfully used on all areas of the body. However, the most common areas of the body to be treated including the face, neck, décolletage, hands, arms and legs. Our team will be able to advise you of the suitability of Lumecca for the areas of your body that you wish to target with this pigment reduction treatment.



For more information about Lumecca IPL and it’s benefits, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our offices.