Do you look in the mirror and feel dissatisfied by the appearance of the skin on your face? Perhaps you have acne scarring, pigmentation changes or fine lines and wrinkles. Do you want to look younger and less tired? If you can answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you may be interested in a cosmetic procedure known as a chemical peel.
What is a chemical peel?
A chemical peel is a popular type of cosmetic surgery that specifically targets the skin on the face and neck with the purpose of regenerating it, making it appear smoother, more toned and more youthful. More recently, chemical peels are also successfully being used to improve the skin on the back of the hands and the wrists. The result is skin that looks younger and more radiant.
Chemical peels are essentially non-invasive since they do not require any incisions to be made. However, depending on the depth of the chemical peel you choose, anesthetic and sedatives may be required. Our doctor will discuss this with you at your consultation.
Types of chemical peel
Chemical peels are available in three different grades. These grades refer to the depths that the chemicals penetrate to in order to remove the dead skin cells and encourage growth of fresh, new ones.
Superficial peels
The lightest variety, a superficial peel only removes the very outer layer of skin, known as the epidermis. Once the peel has been applied, it will only stay on your skin for a few minutes before being removed. After, you will just feel some tightness and your skin may look pinker than usual.
Medium peel
Providing a slightly deeper peel by removing the outer and middle layers of skin, this variety requires being left on your face for a little longer. You may experience a slight burning sensation while the chemical works, and some people state that their skin feels slightly sore. Your face will be tight, and your skin will look red for up to six weeks.
Deep peel
Affecting all of the layers of the skin, a deep peel is usually performed under the effects of a local anesthetic and/or sedation. Our doctor will also need to closely monitor your heart rate and blood pressure throughout to ensure that your body doesn’t react in an adverse way. All layers of skin are rejuvenated, and this produces the most obvious results. However, the side effects also last the longest and you may have redness and some swelling that persists for up to three months.
Which chemical peel is right for you will depend on the extent of skin damage that you have suffered and how significant you wish your transformation to be. Not all patients are suitable for all depths of peel, so our doctor will also provide his/her expert opinion.
Benefits of chemical peels
A great chemical peel can offer patients a variety of different benefits that will help transform your skin and enable you to embrace a refreshed and more youthful appearance.
Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
Lines and wrinkles are two of the most obvious and most common signs of ageing. By removing the outer layer of skin and revealing a fresh, smooth and unlined layer underneath, chemicals peels can improve their appearance. The depth of peel you will need will depend on how deep your lines and wrinkles are and how well you respond to the treatment.
Improve acne
Acne isn’t just for teenagers and adults of any age can still suffer from this unsightly skin complaint. Studies have shown that chemical peels that contain salicylic acid can improve the skin of patients suffering from acne.
Reduce acne, and other, scarring
Whether you have scarring from acne, chicken pox or any other previous illness or injury, a moderate or deep chemical peel can diminish their appearance.
Correct sun damage
Does your facial moisturizer contain SPF? Sun damage is a key contributor to skin ageing, and while a chemical peel can help repair and reverse the effects of UV rays on your skin, you should still invest in daily SPF protection to prolong your new fresh and more youthful appearance.
Improve the tone and texture of your skin
By unveiling and stimulating the growth of new skin cells, a chemical peel can improve the tone and texture of your face. This will enable you to enjoy smoother, softer and more glowing skin.
Reducing the effects of pigmentation
Pigmentation occurs when cells in your skin produce excess amounts of melanin – the pigment that gives skin it’s color. Pigmentation changes can be triggered by various things, including hormone changes and sun exposure. Chemical peels can help even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of areas of pigmentation.
If you are interested in finding out more about chemical peels, or if you would like to schedule a consultation appointment to see if you are a suitable candidate for this popular procedure, please get in touch and contact our Boca Raton, Forida office today.